Désirée Manders
Personal coach

This disclaimer contains important information. Please read it carefully.
Désirée Manders Personal coach, The Daydream Company coaching and TDCcoaching are one and the same. They will hereafter in this disclaimer be noted as ‘The Daydream Company coaching’.
Legal Disclaimer Notice:
You are responsible for your own progress and need to have a pro-active attitude in order to gain positive results from your coaching sessions with The Daydream Company coaching. Positive results are not guaranteed.
You are responsible for all of your own decisions, feelings, actions and outcomes. Any decision you make, and the consequences thereof are your own. Under no circumstances can you hold The Daydream Company coaching liable for any actions that you take. You agree not to hold The Daydream Company coaching liable for any loss or cost incurred by you, or any person related or associated to you, as a result of material, techniques or coaching/counseling offered by The Daydream Company coaching.
The role of coach and client is as peers. The Daydream Company coaching offers professional coaching but no medical or psychiatric advise nor will The Daydream Company coaching attempt to provide medical or psychiatric diagnosis or -treatment.
The information contained within The Daydream Company coaching website or within coaching sessions, classes, or workshops, is not a substitute for professional advice such as from a Medical Doctor, Psychiatrist, counselor or therapist of any kind. The information provided by The Daydream Company coaching, does not constitute legal or medical professional advice nor is it intended to constitute such advice.
Certain techniques and modalities used during the coaching sessions are self-regulated and could be considered “alternative” or “complementary” to the healing arts that are licensed in the United States and throughout the world.
Any modalities or techniques used by The Daydream Company coaching as part of a coaching session are not intended to represent that they are substitutes for medical or psychological treatment. The Daydream Company strongly advises that you seek professional advice as appropriate before making any health decision.
Information shown on the website or expressed during sessions is intended to be general information with respect to common life, health, well being and general issues. Information is offered in good faith - you do not have to use this information. The Daydream Company coaching accepts no responsibility or liability whatsoever for the use or misuse of the information, modalities, techniques and resources provided in coaching sessions.
The Daydream Company coaching, her heirs, personal representatives and consultants assign from any claim or liability whatsoever and from any damage or injury which you may incur arising at any time out of or in relation to your use of the information, modalities, techniques and resources presented during or after a coaching session.
You shall indemnify The Daydream Company coaching and its associates, in the event of any such claim, including but not limited to any claims made against the CEO of The Daydream Company coaching, by any person related or associated with you. Nothing in the content materials shall be considered legal, financial, or actuarial advice.
The Daydream Company coaching sessions are for adults 18 years or older. Any coaching for a minor will ONLY be done with the express written consent of the minor's parent(s) or legal guardian(s), and ONLY after an initial consultation involving both the minor and the parent(s) or legal guardian(s).
Rates are guaranteed not to change with exception to "specials," unless prior written notice is given.
The Daydream Company coaching reserves the right to refuse service for any reason.
All information shared for billing or for sessions is held confidential. Any personally identifiable information is never sold, traded or given away.
If any court of law rules that any part of the Disclaimer is invalid, the Disclaimer stands as if those parts were struck out.
In scheduling and accepting a coaching session with The Daydream Company coaching,
you acknowledge that you agree to all of the above.