Désirée Manders
Personal coach

Physical, mental, emotional and spiritual pain clearing- in body mind spirit and soul, in all times and life-times.
Major Soul Wounds - never healed, and still bleeding many aspects of your life away
Primary Life lesson - unrecognized, causing repetitive painful choices
Spiritual DNA obstructions - manifesting all the Soul's history in your body and life
Traumas and soul parts losses - keeping wholeness, health and wellness away from you
Internal black holes - when nothing fills the void
Crusts and restrictions - blocking your ability to change your reality
Core Fears - effecting avoidances and anxieties in every aspect of life
Negative energies removal - the cause for multiple illnesses, diversions of consciousness, and suffering
Human attachment patterns releases - interpersonal cause for relationship sufferings
Evil-eye, curses, spells removal - human negative forces with intents of destruction for others
Ongoing Karma - hardships in relations, health, habits and life abundance
Former lives - manifesting ongoing difficult events and hardships
Ancient vows or contracts - binding your life, choices relationships and growth, till this day
Multi - generational energies effects - a broad spectrum, in every aspect of life
Restrictive beliefs - holding your progress hostage
Negative thoughts - diverting you from your true path
Accumulated emotions - congesting your body, mind and soul, causing you to percieve life as 'heavy' and difficult